Professional Negligence
Members’ experience in acting in professional negligence disputes means they appreciate that an understanding of the technical background makes a difference to the legal outcome for clients. Members can combine an ability to get on top of the facts with an understanding of the key legal principles which govern professional liability and how those principles differ from the other types of technical disputes in which they may be involved.
The increasing popularity of the turnkey contracting strategy means that questions of professional liability and the nature of obligations owed by professionals are of importance in disputes which might not traditionally be characterised as professional negligence claims. Chambers has an extensive history in advising clients in these sorts of claims, members having acted in some of the key cases in this area.
Allied to a specialism in resolving professional disputes, is members’ experience of advising on issues concerning professional indemnity insurance, in particular in relation to questions of coverage and the proper meaning of policy terms. Members are regularly instructed by major insurers and their clients in this regard as a result.