1 October 2019: TECBAR BAME mock interview and CV workshop for commercial pupillage applicants


5:30 pm GMT

Keating Chambers, 15 Essex Street London WC2R 3AA

Atkin Chambers is pleased to support The Technology and Construction Bar Association’s BAME Network and the Commercial Bar Association Equality and Diversity committee in this event for pupillage applicants.  It will provide an invaluable opportunity for a one- to-one mock interview and CV review with a commercial/chancery law barrister.

The panel includes barristers from 3 Verulam Buildings, 4 New Square, 4 Pump Court, 8 New Square, 39 Essex Chambers, Atkin Chambers, Brick Court Chambers, Blackstone Chambers, Crown Office, Keating Chambers, New Temple Chambers, Maitland Chamberhttps://tecbar.org/tecbar-bame/s and Quadrant Chambers.
The event is aimed at those considering pupillage in commercial law and related fields.

Participation in the workshop is by registration only and places are currently full.  Those wishing to be placed on the waiting list should register by email to admin@tecbar.org enclosing their CV.

Dress: FormaI attire encouraged for mock interviews.

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