Stephanie Barwise KC on ‘The Building Safety Act 2022’ for the Society of Construction Law’s North-East Branch


6:00 pm BST

Womble Bond Dickinson, The Spark, Drayman's Way, Newcastle Helix, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE4 5DE

Stephanie Barwise KC will be speaking at the Society of Construction Law’s North East Branch Event on ‘The Building Safety Act 2022.’

The talk will be chaired by Simon Lewis of Womble Bond Dickinson and takes place at 6pm on Tuesday 3rd October.

Stephanie will consider “Old Claims new possibilities:What claims can we expect under the BSA?”.

She will be joined at the event by fellow speaker Thomas Barney of Howden Insurance Brokers who will discuss “Insurance Implications of the BSA”.

See here for more details and to register.


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