Mark Chennells to be appointed as Queen’s Counsel 

17th Dec 2020

Congratulations to Mark Chennells (Call 2002) on his successful application to be appointed as Queen’s Counsel.

Mark Chennells is a commercial barrister who specialises in construction and engineering, energy/offshore, and technology disputes.  He has extensive experience of acting in disputes which are frequently complex in terms of their technical nature. He is an accomplished advocate who has appeared before the Courts of England and Wales, and international arbitral tribunals. Recent high-profile cases in the English courts have included MT Højgaard A/S v EON Climate & Renewables, Fluor v Shanghai Zhenhua Heavy Industry Co, Ltd and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering v Songa Offshore.

Mark’s appointment will take effect in early 2021 – dates are TBC due to the pandemic.

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