Atkin Chambers is supporting the Bar Council’s expanded Training Scheme for Chinese Lawyers again this year.
A total of 15 lawyers are participating in this year’s main 7-week programme from 3 June to 19 July 2019. The scheme offers a unique opportunity for Chinese lawyers to experience practice at the English commercial Bar. Atkin Chambers will host a young lawyer in Chambers during the programme and participate in accompanying training and other events, including a seminar looking at shipping, aviation and construction law in which Edmund Neuberger will participate on 17 July 2019.
In addition members are contributing to the Bar Council’s first bespoke International Dispute Resolution training for senior Chinese lawyers. Nicholas Baatz QC, Riaz Hussain QC and Serena Cheng QC will host a roundtable discussion on Belt and Road Investment Projects. Fourteen senior lawyers will attend the programme for a week from 3 June followed by the Bar Council China-UK Arbitration Summit in London on 10/11 June 2019 at which Chantal-Aimée Doerries QC, Head of Chambers, will be moderating a panel.
Atkin Chambers supports several similar initiatives that aim to develop links with lawyers in foreign jurisdictions and has previously participated in the Bar Council Latin American Exchange Programme, COMBAR International Lawyers for Africa programme and the Bar Council Korean Exchange Programme for young lawyers.
For further details on the programme, please click here.
For further information on the Bar Council China-UK Arbitration Summit go to: