Stephanie Barwise QC will be presenting at the inaugural annual IBQC Forum of the International Building Quality Centre (IBQC) hosted by the University of Canberra and supported by the International Code Council and the IBQC on 9 October 2020.
Stephanie is an IBQC Board Member and she will present at the Forum on “Building approvals systems”. She will present alongside a roster of eminent speakers including Dame Judith Hackitt who will present the keynote address and Ms Sylvia Solf of The World Bank who will deliver the closing remarks.
The other presentations by various IBQC Board Members will offer insight into the practices that enable safety, efficiency and innovation as discussed in the Principles for Good Practice Building Regulation publication.
To view a recording of this event, click here.
Principles for Good Practice Building Regulation publication
In September 2020, IBQC issued its first publication: Principles for Good Practice Building Regulation, a collection of 10 key elements of successful building safety regimes. The Principles assume a foundation of public safety in building regulation and challenge jurisdictions to move beyond that to achieve regulatory regimes that are efficient and that encourage innovation. The authors posit that inefficient regulatory regimes encourage circumvention, and regulatory regimes that do not accommodate legitimate building innovations become irrelevant. Therefore, good practice building regulatory regimes must be a win-win-win proposition relative to safety, efficiency and innovation. The document succinctly defines each of the 10 principles and defines good practice in an easy-to-use listing of the components of each principle.
Principles for Good Practice Building Regulation can be downloaded for free from the IBQC website.
About the IBQC
The International Building Quality Centre (IBQC) is a collaborative entity hosted by the University of Canberra that identifies, endorses, and encourages best practice systems, regulations, codes, and laws in the area of building safety. Launched in November 2019, the IBQC conducts research and undertakes comparative analyses to benchmark and identify pioneering jurisdictions that have successfully implemented best practice and emerging construction technologies, probity regimes and enlightened construction systems and practices. For additional information please visit: